Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Ordinance No. 100, S-1939 An ordinance setting aside the amount of four hundred eighty pesos out of the Unappropriated Funds of Quezon City to cover the salary from November 1, 1940 to June 30 1941 of the Assistant Building Inspector in the Engineers Offices.

Ordinance No. 99, S-1939 An ordinance appropriating the amount of eight thousand pesos out of the Unappropriated Funds of Quezon City for the Purchases of One Road Roller.

Ordinance No. 98, S-1939 An ordinance appropriating thirty one pesos and fifty centavos for Electrical Services at Data Sta. Mesa Height Subdivision Quezon City from the period of October 1940 to June 1941 at three pesos and fifty centavos per month.

Ordinance No. 97, S-1939 An ordinance appropriating the amount of thirty one pesos and fifty centavos from the Unapropriated Funds of Quezon City to pay the Cost of Electrical Services for One Street Light to Installed at the Corner of Bautista and Albay Streets Quezon City for the Period from October 1940 to June 1941 Inclusive.

Ordinance No. 95, S-1939 An ordinance amending Section 31 No. 17 of Ordinance No. 10 as Amended by Section 1 of Ordinance No. 74.

Ordinance No. 94, S-1939 An ordinance providing the minimum requirements for the Acceptance of Donations.

Ordinance No. 93, S-1939 An ordinance appropriating the amount of hour hundred pesos cost and Installation of an Under Ground Tank for Gasoline.

Ordinance No. 92, S-1939 An ordinance Authorizing the Office of the City Engineer to Under take the Construction and Repair of Private Roads from a Public Thorough-fare to a Private Residence at the Expense of the Owner Provided the Government Gets Ten Percent Surcharge of the Actual Cost of the Roads.

Ordinance No. 9, S-1939 Regulating the Construction Alternation Repair Demolition and Removal of Buildings and Structures in Quezon City and the Installation Alternation Repair Use Operation and Maintenance of Appliances and Equipment Therein and Providing for the Issuance of Permits Therefor.

Ordinance No. 91, S-1939 An ordinance amending Section 2 of Ordinance No. 80 of Quezon City so as to fix the Salary of a Deputy City Attorney provided therein at the rate of one thousand nine hundred twenty pesos Instead of one thousand eight hundred pesos per Annum.

Ordinance No. 90, S-1939 An ordinance providing for the registration of the Off Springs of Large Cattle.

Ordinance No. 89, S-1939 An ordinance fixing the License Fee of the Bicycles which are owned kept or used within the Limits of Quezon City.

Ordinance No. 88, S-1939 An ordinance prohibiting Sari-Sari Store Owners Managers of other person in charge of the same to keep or deposit within the premises of their respective stores more than two cans of Petroleum Alcohol or any like Combustible Materials.

Ordinance No. 87, S-1939 An ordinance governing the Issuance of Permits for the Construction Alternation Repair Demolition and Removal of Buildings and the Installation Etc. in Quezon City.

Ordinance No. 86, S-1939 An ordinance amending Item C-I (934) under the Office of the Engineer page 6 of Ordinance No. 55 so as to make the Salary of One Cemetery Care Taker at the rate of three hundred sixty pesos instead of one hundred eighty pesos per Annum.

Ordinance No. 83, S-1939 An ordinance appropriating the amount of nine hundred seventy four pesos representing twenty percent Motor Vehicle Allotment Ac curing to Quezon City under Act No. 3992 the Maintenance and Improvement of Street and Bridges.

Ordinance No. 8, S-1939 An ordinance punishing certain immoral act.

Ordinance No. 82, S-1939 An ordinance amending items I (3) and (4) under the Office of the City Engineer page 4 Ordinance No. 55.

Ordinance No. 81, S-1939 An ordinance appropriating the amount of five hundred twenty pesos from the Unappropriated Funds of Quezon City to Defray the Cost of Maintaining three (3) minors from Quezon City who are confined in Welfare Ville Bureau of Public Welfare at the Total Monthly Rate of forty pesos and seventy eight centavos.

Ordinance No. 80, S-1939 An ordinance fixing the Salary of the City Attorney of Quezon City at four thousand eight hundred pesos per Annum at the Conversion of the Position of One Law Clerk with Compensation at the Rate of one thousand eight hundred per Annum.

Ordinance No. 78, S-1939 An ordinance setting aside the amount of two hundred fifty pesos out of the Unappropriated Funds of Quezon City to Defray the Cost of Completing the Re-construction of the Store Room for the Office of the City Treasurer.

Ordinance No. 77, S-1939 An ordinance appropriating the amount of one thousand five hundred pesos to defray the Cost of Re-modelling the Building which was purchased to house the Emergency Dispensary of Quezon City Reffered to in Ordinance No. 64.

Ordinance No. 75, S-1939 An ordinance authorizing the Increase in Salary of the City Auditor from three thousand six hundred pesos to four thousand five hundred sixty pesos per Annum and the Creation of One Position of Clerk in his office with Compensation at the rate of one thousand four hundred fifty pesos per annum and appropriating the necessary amount therefor out of the Unappropriated Funds of the City.

Ordinance No. 74, S-1939 - An ordinance amending Nos. 17 and 24 Section 31 of Ordinance No. 10 of Quezon City Council.

Ordinance No. 72, S-1939 - An ordinance amending certain sections of Ordinance No. 38.

Ordinance No. 7, S-1939 - An ordinance penalizing Certain Disturbance of Public Peace.

Ordinance No. 69, S-1939 - An ordinance appropriating the amount of four hundred eighty seven pesos representing twenty percent share from act 3992 as amended by Com. Act 123 for Maintenance of City Roads.

Ordinance No. 70, S-1939 - An ordinance prohibiting the Advertisement of Shows Circuses and other Similar Entertainments by Scattering Distributing or Circulating Programs or Leaflets along the Streets or other Places In Quezon City.

Ordinance No. 71, S-1939 - An ordinance setting aside the amount of forty thousand pesos out of unappropriated funds as reserve funds for the Payment of the Loan of two hundred thousand pesos advanced to Quezon City Payable in five years as per Par. 5 page 79 of Com. Act 555 Known as The General Appropriations Act.

Ordinance No. 68, S-1939 - An ordinance setting aside the amount of three thousand pesos out of the Unappropriated Funds of Quezon City to Defray the Cost of Water Service to the City for the Fiscal Year 1940-1941.

Ordinance No. 67, S-1939 - An ordinance appropriating the amount of one hundred six pesos out of the Unappropriated Funds of Quezon City for the Purchase of the two Revolvers Complete with Holsters and Belts and other accessories.

Ordinance No. 65, S-1939 - An ordinance authorizing the Creation of One Position of Detective in Quezon City with compensation at the Rate of seven hundred eight per Annum.

Ordinance No. 64, S-1939 An ordinance Appropriating the Amount of Five Thousand Five Hundred Pesos of the Unappropriated Funds of Quezon City for the Purchase of a Lot and House in Diliman to be Used as an Emergency Dispensary and for the Purchases of the Necessary Medical Supplies and Equipments.

Ordinance No.63, S-1939 - An ordinance prohibiting the Game of "Penguingue" Cuajo or Chines Panguingue in Quezon City.

Ordinance No. 62, S-1939 - An ordinance appropriating the amount of two thousand eight hundred nineteen pesos and ten centavos from the Unappropriated Income of Quezon City to Cover Certain Overdrafts Incurred by Various Departments of the City and Certain Additional Appropriations for the Purpose of Closing the 1939-1940 Account.

Ordinance No. 61, S-1939 - An ordinance authorizing the City Mayor to regulate the Use of Public Streets by Vehicles in Quezon City and the Designate "No Parking" Places Therein.

Ordinance No. 60, S-1939 - An ordinance appropriating the amount of eight thousand pesos out of Unappropriated Funds of Quezon City for the Operation and Maintenance of five New Intermediate Classes during the School Year 1940-1941.

Ordinance No. 56, S-1939 - An ordinance appropriating the amount of one hundred six pesos from the Unappropriated Funds of the City for the Purchase of Two Pistols with Holsters for the use of the Motorcycle Cops that will be appointed to the two of the four Newly Created Positions Authorized under Ordinance No.55 otherwise known as the General Budget of Quezon City for the Fiscal Year 1940-1941.

Ordinance No. 38, S-1939 - An ordinance providing certain restriction in the Location and Construction of Buildings Particularly in Relation to Street and Property Lines and Fixing the Width of Streets and Sidewalks and Prescribing Penalties thereof.

Ordinance No. 46, S-1939 - An ordinance appropriating the amount of three hundred pesos from any funds of this City not Otherwise Appropriated to Cover the Expenses for the Painting of the Market Buildings and the Repair of the Toilet in the Market of San Francisco Del Monte this City.

Ordinance No. 3, S-1939 - An ordinance appropriating funds for the Necessary Expenses of the Government of the Quezon City during the Period from October sixteenth nineteen hundred thirty nine to June thirteen nineteen hundred forty and for other purposes.

Ordinance No. 37, S-1939 - An ordinance regulating the Disposal of the Dead Burial Transfer Exhumation use and Administration of Cemeteries and Providing foe Cemetery Fees and Other Purposes.

Ordinance no. 44, S-1939 - An ordinance providing fees for the Building Permits and Repealing any Provision of Section 2 of Ordinance Numbered 9 Inconsistent therein.

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Ordinance No. 81, S-1939 - An ordinance appropriating the amount of five hundred twenty pesos from the Unappropriated Funds of Quezon City to Defray the Cost of maintaining three (30 Minors from Quezon City who are Confined in Welfare Ville, Public Welfare at the Total Monthly Rate of forty two pesos and seventy eight centavos.

Ordinance No. 89, S-1939 - An ordinance fixing the License Fee of Bicycle which are owned kept or used within the Quezon City Limits.

Ordinance No. 86, S-1939 - An ordinance amending Item C-I (34) under the Office of the Engineer Page 6 of Ordinance No. 55 so as to make the Salary of One Cemetery Caretaker at the rate of three hundred sixty pesos instead of one hundred eighty pesos per annum.

Ordinance No. 59, S-1939- An ordinance appropriating the amount of two thousand three hundred twenty nine pesos and thirty centavos for the Creation of the Position of one Teacher- Nurse and one Clerk Stenographer and for the Purchase of Furniture and Equipment in the Office of the City Schools.

Ordinance No. 45, S-1939 An Ordinance Appropriating the Amount of Two Hundred Fifty Pesos from the Collection for Building Permit Fees to Defray the Various Expense Incured with the Construction of the Flagpole Court and Jail Repair Etc. in Quezon City.

Ordinance No. 36, S-1939 An Ordinance Providing for the Registration of Birth.

Ordinance No. 35, S-1939 An Ordinance Limiting the Hours of Operation of Bowling Alleys Billiard and Fool Balls or Other Place of Amusement and Providing Penalty for its Violation.

Monday, September 15, 2014

Ordinance no. 43, S-1939 An Ordinance Appropriating the AMount of Two Hundred Fifty Pesos from the Collection for Building Permits to Defray the Various Expenses incurred in Connection with the Construction of the Flagpole Court Jail Etc.

Ordinance No. 4, S-1939 Section 1 Ordinance No. 1 Dividing Quezon City into Four(4) District Represented by Members of the City Council for the Purpose of Administration is Hereby Amended by Changing the Designation of mandaluyong District which Embrances Those Poryion of Magdalena and Mandaluyong Estate included in the City and Represented by Vice Mayor Vicente Fragante into Cubao District.

Ordinance No. 53, S-1939 An Ordinance Amending Schedule "C" under the Title "Market Fees" of Section 31 of Ordinance No. 10 of Quezon City.

Ordinance No. 56, S-1939 An Ordinance Appropriating the Amount of One Hundred Six Pesos from the Unappropriated Funds of the City for the Purchase of Two Pistols with Holsters for the Use of Two Motorcycle Cops.

Ordinance No. 58, S-1939 An Ordinance Appropriating the Amount of One Thousand One Hundred Seventeen Pesos and Eighty Five Centavos out of the Unappropriated Funds Balance of the 1939-1940 Appropriation to Pay Water Bills of the Metropolitan Water District to Quezon City.

Ordinance No. 54, S-1939 An Ordinance Appropriating th Amount of Four Hundred Eighty Seven Pesos Representing the Gasoline Allotment Ac-curring to Quezon city from Act No. 3248 as Amended by Commonwealth Act No. 122 for the Maintenance and Improvement of the Street and Bridges Therein.

Ordinance No. 49, S-1939 An Ordinance Appropriating the Amount of Five Hundred Pesos for the Purpose of Reinbursing the Purchasers of Lots in the Proposed Market Site in Sta. Mesa Heights Subdivision for the Trnasferring their Improvement to New Site as Authorized in it's Minutes and Motion No. 20 Dated January 29, 1040.

Ordinance No. 47, S-1939 An Ordinance Appropriating the Amount of Five Hundred Forty Nine Pesos Representing the Twenty Percent Motor Vehicle Allotment for Quezon City from Act No. 3992 as Ameded by Com. Act No. 123 for Maintenance and Repair of Streets and Bridges.

Ordinance No. 52, S-1939 An Ordinance Appropriating the Amount of Five Hundred Pesos for the Construction of Bodega to be Used as Store Room and Office of the Property Clerk in the Office of the City Treasurer.

Ordinance No. 50, S-1939 An Ordinance Appropriating the Amount of Nine Hundred Twelve Pesos Representing the gasoline and Motor Vehicle Allotments Accuring to Quezon City from Com. Act 122 and Act 3992 as Amended by Com. Act 123 for the Maintenance and Improvement of the Streets.

Ordinance No. 51, S-1939 Ordinance Appropriating the Amount of Three Hundred Pesos from the Collection of Market and Slaughterhouse Fees to Cover Installation of Two Water Tanks in the Public Market and Slaughterhouse and Toilet for San Francisco Del Monte.

Ordinance No. 42, S-1939 An Ordinance Appropriating the Amount of Five Hundred Forty Nine Pesos Representing the Twenty Percent of Motor Vehicle Allotment Accuring to Quezon City from Act No. 3992 as Amended by Com. Act No. 123 for the Maint. and Imp. of Streets.

Ordinance No. 39, S-1939 An Ordinance Clarifying Ordinance Numbered 20 relative to the manufacture Sale and Explosion of FireCrackers Skyrockets and other Similar Fireworks within the Limits of Quezon City.

Ordinance No. 41, S-1939 An Ordinance Amending Section 7 of Ordinance No. 10 Series of 1939 so as to Conform to the Provision of Section 1455 of the rev. Adm. Code Re-Business License.

Ordinance No. 40, S-1939 An Ordinance Amending Section 1 of Ordinance No. 34 Reducing the Salary of the City health Officer to Three Thousand One Hundred Twenty Pesos per Annum so as to Confirm to the Standarized Rate of Salary Prescribed by Com Act 402 for the Said Position.

Ordinance No. 34, S-1939 An Ordinance Fixing the Salary of the City Health Officer at Four Thousand Eight Hundred Pesos per Annum.

Ordinance No. 32, S-1939 An Ordinance Providing for the Licensing of Dogs Prescribing the License Fees Therefor and Prohibiting the Running at Large of Other Animals.

Ordinance No. 25, S-1939 An Ordinance Requiring Every Owner of Estate to Submit to the Comittee on Town Planning of Quezon City for Approval a Development Plan of the Estate Showing the Different Location of Dtreets and Public Buildings Before Same is Appointed into Sub-divisions.

Ordinance No. 24, S-1939 An ordinance Fixing the Compensation of the City Treasurer of Quezon City at Five Thousand Four Hundred Pesos per Annum and Providing Appropriation Therefor.

Ordinance No. 22, S-1939 An Ordinance Creating Four (4) Additional Posistion of the Patrolmen and Reverting for the Purpose the Amount of One Thousand Four Hundred Forty Pesos from the Salary SAving Realized by the Police Department.

Ordinance No. 21, S-1939 Creating One Position of Patrolemen in the Police Department at the Rate of Nine Hundred Pesos Per Annum and Authorizing the Purchase of Apparatus and Supplies for the Purpose not to Exceed Two Hundred Fifty Pesos.

Ordinance No. 20, S-1939 Prohibiting the Manufacture Sale and Explosion of Fire Crackers within the Quezon City.

Ordinance No. 2, S-1939 Authorizing the Mayor of Quezon City th rent the Manila Heights Hospital and Premisis for Offices Court Room And Jail an Quaters for the Certain Employees of Quezon City.

Ordinance No. 19, S-1939 Creating Four (4) Positions of Market Collectors and Cleaners One at Four Hundred Eighty Pesos per Annum and Three at Three Hundred Sixty Pesos per Annum each for the Period from January 1 to June 30 1940 and Appropriating Funds Therefor.

Ordinance No. 17, S-1939 Approproating the Sum of Five Thousand Five Hundred Pesos for the Necessary Expenses for the Control of Malaria in Quezon City

Ordinance No. 14, S-1939 Prohibiting the Use of Creeks and Rivers for the Disposal of Garbage.

Ordinance No. 13, S-1939 Appropriating Fundsfor the Necessary Expensesof Collection and Disposal of all Garbage Refuse and All Other Offensive and Dangerous Substances within the Quezon City.

Ordinance No. 11, S-1939 Regulating the Cretion or Display of Commercial Sign Sign-Borads or Billboards in Quezon City.

Ordinance No. 1, S-1939 An Ordinance DividingQuezon City into Four Districts Represented by members of the City Council for the Purpose of Administration.

Ordinance No. SP-3162, S-1956 An ordinance prohibiting spitting and littering of paper and other rubbish in public buildings, streets, plazas, and other public places in Quezon City, and providing penalties for violation thereof.

Friday, September 12, 2014

Ordinance No. 3146, S-1956 An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 3040 current series requiring door-lock type exit for fire escapes for buildings in Quezon City and providing penalties for violation thereof.

Ordinance No. 3138, S-1956 An ordinance providing for the Construction or Private Incinerators by Owners Lessees or Operators of Commercial and/or Industrial Establishment and Residential Houses in Quezon City.

Ordinance No. 3134, S-1956 An ordinance prohibiting any person to sprinkle any National City or Subdivision Street in Quezon City with water or mud coming from canals or said street and providing penalties for violation thereof.

Ordinance No. 3125, S-1956 An ordinance revising the speed limits on certain streets or places in Quezon City as fixed under Ordinance Nos. 866, 557, 889 1246 and 2255 of this City.

Ordinance No. 3122, S-1956 An ordinance regulating the parking along Guyabano Street Quezon City and providing penalties for violation.

Ordinance No. SP-3105, S-1956 An ordinance amending Section 1 of Ordinance No. 2991, current series, prohibiting the parking of vehicles along the south side of España street, This city, from España Rotunda to the boundary of Quezon City and Manila from 6:00 O'clock A.M to 7:00 O'clock P.M.

Ordinance No. 3099, S-1956 An ordinance regulating the loading, unloading or parking of any motor vehicle from the street corners and intersections within six meters from the street corner or intersection and imposing penalties for violation thereof.

Ordinance No. SP-3091, S-1956 An ordnance prohibiting the imitation of the present uniform of the members of the Quezon City Police Department, and providing penalties for violation thereof.

Ordinance No. 3072, S-1956 An ordinance regulating the sale of fresh meat in Quezon City and providing penalties for violation thereof.

Ordinance No. 3033, S-1956 An ordinance prohibiting the playing or engaging in the game of Faro Roulette Thimble Chemin De foe Beto-Beto or any other device or game of change or hazard and providing penalties for violation thereof.

Ordinance No. SP-2945, S-1956 An Ordinance further amending Section 2 of Ordinance No. 2229, series of 1954 as amended by Section one of Ordinance No. 2587, series of 1955, regulating the parking of vehicles along National Roads and City Streets, Quezon City.

Ordinance No. SP-2905, S-1956 An Ordinance amending Section 9 of Ordinance No. 1530, series of 1952, as amended, so as to require the owner of building or structure to conform with the requirements of existing building ordinances and to pay the corresponding building permit fees and/or to remove the building or structure or part thereof at his expense in case correction is not possible.

Ordinance No. 2320, S-2014 Creating a Korea-Philippines Information Technology Training Center Trust Fund to be Maintained by the Treasury and Accounting Department

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Ordinance No. SP-2675, S-1955 an ordinance appropriating ₱3,500.00 for supplies and materials, communications, and traveling expenses under the office of the city sheriff, subject to availability of funds in the City Treasury.

Ordinance No. SP-2743, S-1955 An Ordinance authorizing the reversion of ₱620.00 from salary savings to discretionary fund under the Office of the Mayor to be made available for entertainment expenses of the City Mayor.

Ordinance No. SP-2435, S-1955 An ordinance appropriating ₱2,684.85 to be made available for payment of the share of Quezon City on the retirement insurance benefit due Mr. Severio Abellera, former clerk of court of first instance of Rizal and Ex- officio sheriff of Quezon City and Pasay City.

Ordinance No. SP-2744, S-1955 An Ordinance amending the current budget and plantilla of personnel under the Office of the City Council and Secretary, so as to change the designation of one stenographer at ₱2160 per annum (Item 50) to action clerk at the same rate of salary.

Ordinance No. SP-2746, S-1955 An Ordinance amending the current budget and plantilla of personnel under the Quezon City Fire Department, so as to convert the positions of two firemen under item 273 to one electrical inspector and one electrician, and one fireman and one driver under items 274 and 268, respectively, to electricians, without change in compensation.

Ordinance No. SP-2745, S-1955 An Ordinance appropriating ₱1,200.00 to cover payment for additional materials utilized in the repair of fire engine bearing plate no. TPI-3515, the amount to be taken from current appropriation for maintenance of fire hydrants.

Ordinance No. SP-2742, S-1955 An Ordinance prohibiting motor vehicles from entering the Murphy Market Compound from 7:30 O'clock in the morning to 5:30 O'clock in the afternoon, and providing penalties for violation thereof.

Ordinance No. 2741, S-1955 Prohibiting motor trucks and truck trailers from parking, loading or unloading on either side of Balete Drive from N. Domingo Street to Aurora Boulevard this city and penalties for violation thereof.

Ordinance No. SP-2740, S-1955 An Ordinance appropriating ₱6,000.00 for the purchase of the Lot owned by Dr. Benito Cruz, located at Cordillera Street, This City, which shall be used for school site.

Ordinance No. SP-2738, S-1955 An Ordinance authorizing the reversion of ₱180.00 from appropriations for technical and scientific equipment (C-74(1)2) to office equipment of the Kamuning Health Center (C-77(1)1), the amount reverted to be utilized for the purchase of equipment for the said health center.

Ordinance No. SP-2739, S-1955 An ordinance appropriating ₱507.50 for the installation of a government telephone at the residence of city attorney Pedro A. Revilla, at No. 20 P. Burgos, Pasig, Rizal, under the authority granted in Resolution No. 2318, current series, the sum to be taken from savings in appropriation for travel and transportation under the city attorney's office.

Ordinance No.SP-2737, S-1955 An ordinance authorizing the reversion of ₱1,460.00 from the salary savings under the Quezon City Police Department, to be made available for repair of equipment under the same office.

Ordinance No. SP-2736, S-1955 An ordinance fixing the rate of Ad Valorem tax on all real property in Quezon City for the year 1956, at one and one-fourth per centum of the assessed value of all real estate in Quezon City.

Ordinance No. SP-2735, S-1955 An ordinance amending Ordinance Nos. 2708 and 2709, current series, such that the appropriations necessary to cover the amount set aside thereat shall be taken from J-62(2) fund.

Ordinance No. 2734, S-1955 Authorizing the reversion of two hundred pesos from the appropriation for supplies and materials under the office of the city sheriff to be reappropriated for the purchase of steel cabinet for the said office.

Ordinance No. SP-2733, S-1955 An Ordinance authorizing the reversion of ₱1,500.00 from the currrent appropriation for home economics suppliers, the sum to be made available for the use of students in the Quezon City High School Annexes.

Ordinance No. SP-2732, S-1955 An Ordinance amending the current budget and plantilla of personnel under the Office of the City Secretary so as to change the designation of special prosecutor to special assistant to the city secretary at the same rate of salary.

Ordinance No. SP-2731, S-1955 an ordinance fixing the speed limit of motor vehicles passing in front of the Philippine American Housing Compound Highway 54 Quezon City at 20 miles per hour and providing penalties for violation thereof.

Ordinance No. SP-2730, S-1955 An Ordinance authorizing the reversion of ₱1,000.00 from the current appropriation for repair of equipment under the Division of Public Services to be made available for the transfer and reconstruction of toilet facilities and repair of the shop thereat.

Ordinance No. SP-2729, S-1955 An Ordinance appropriating ₱1,000.00 for the repair of Gitna Road, Novaliches, This City.

Ordinance No. SP-2728, S-1955 An Ordinance appropriating ₱330.00 for the construction of wooden railings for the windows of the Quezon City High School annex Building at Don Alejandro Roces Street, This City.

Ordinance No. SP-2727, S-1955 An ordinance authorizing the reversion of ₱2,440.00 from the current appropriation of insurance premiums of government properties, the sum to be made available to cover the deficiency in the appropriation for expenditures which were given priority by the city council under resolution no. 2338, current series.

Ordinance No. SP-2726, S-1955 an ordinance appropriating ₱1,000.00 for the construction of a fence at the Malamig Health Center out of the remaining balance in appropriations for the Malamig Health Center Building.

Ordinance No. SP-2725, S-1955 An Ordinance further amending Ordinance No.2619,current series, as amended by Ordinance Nos.2678 and 2705, also current series, such that the amount of ₱26,000.00 appropriated for the construction of a permanent bridge at Lagarian Creek, connecting Leyte and K-C Street, Kamuning, This City, shall be increased to ₱30,812.80 and reappropriated as counterpart of this city for the National Highway Fund.

Ordinance No. 2724, S-1955 Appropriating Three Thousand Pesos for the Construction of a Stage at the Qurino Elementary School Project 2 Quirino District This City.

Ordinance No. SP-2723, S-1955 An Ordinance appropriating an additional sum of ₱2,880.00 for the acquisition of Lots 10,11,12 and 13, Block 16, at Galas, This City, subject to availability of funds.

Ordinance No. SP-2722, S-1955 An Ordinance authorizing the reversion of ₱740.43 from salary savings of the Office of the City Superintendent of Schools to be made available for rental of building for City Schools.

Ordinance No. SP 2721, S-1955 An ordinance appropriating ₱620.00 to complete the entire price of the 71 square meters of the Lot owned by Mrs. Trinidad V. De Mejia, which is being acquired by the city for street purposes.

Ordinance No. SP-2720, S-1955 An Ordinance appropriating ₱10,200.00 for the purchase of three units of steel cabinets for the use of the technical division of the Quezon City Police Department, subject to availability of funds.

Ordinance No. SP-2713, S-1955 An ordinance authorizing the reversion of ₱3,500.00 from probable savings in the current appropriations under the Office of the City Superintendent of Schools, the sum to be made available for maternity leave pay of intermediate teachers of this city.

Ordinance No. SP-2717, S-1955 An Ordinance authorizing the reversion of ₱700.00 balance in appropriation for Glorieta in Novaliches, This City, the sum to be made as initial appropriation for the establishment of a substation of the Fire Department in Novaliches, This City.

Ordinance No. SP-2716, S-1955 An Ordinance appropriating ₱130.00 for the installation and rental of a government telephone in the Division of Public Service, Office of the Mayor, This City, the amount to be taken from current appropriation for other service under the same division.

Ordinance No. 2715, S-1955 Amending Section 1 of Ordinance No. 2165 Series of 1954 so as to Increase the Service Fee Being Charged for Certain Police Clerance Certificates.

Ordinance No. SP-2714, S-1955 An ordinance authorizing the reversion of ₱200.00 from current appropriation for technical and scientific equipment to office equipment under the Quezon City Fire Department.

Ordinance No. 2713 S-1955 Regulating the Excavation on Roads in Quezon City Cont. Prescribing Fees for the Same and Providing Penalties for Violation Thereof.

Ordinance No. SP-2712, S-1955 An Ordinance appropriating ₱1,000.00 for the repair of Bagong Nayan Elementary School, This City, subject to availability of funds.

Ordinance No. SP-2711 An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 2318, current series, so as to designate the amount appropriated therein as an aid given by Quezon City to Chief of Police Vicente O. Novales for his trip abroad for purposes of receiving instructions in indoctrination courses in the United States Federal Bureau of Investigation, subject to the approval of the authorities concerned.

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Ordinance No. SP-2705, S-1955 An Ordinance authorizing the reversion of ₱26,000.00 appropriated under Ordinance No. 2678, current series, for the construction of a reinforced concrete bridge at Lagarian Creek, This City, the sum to be made available for streets and bridge fund.

Ordinance No. SP-2708, S-1955 An Ordinance appropriating ₱240.00 for the repair of the Artesian Well at Dulong-Kalsada, This City.

Ordinance No. SP-2701, S-1955 An Ordinance amending Ordinance No.2356 by deleting the last paragraph of Section 1 thereof which provides for the exemption of housing projects 1, 2, 3 and 4, of the people's homesite and housing corporation in Quezon City, from the requirements or Ordinance no. 531, as amended.

Ordinance No. SP-2707, S-1955 An ordinance amending Section 1 of Ordinance No. 2393, current series, regulating establishment or operation of nights clubs, cabarets, pavilions, or other similar places in Quezon City.

Ordinance No. SP-2703, S-1955 An Ordinance repealing Ordinance No.39 as amended by Ordinance No. 100, both series of 1947, which precise fees for the issuance of permits for the conveyance of explosives, inflammable liquids, or combustible materials over the streets within Quezon City.

Ordinance No.SP-2702, S-1955 an ordinance appropriating ₱270.00 for the rental of the house owned by Mrs. Balbina R. Marcelo, located at Block 8, Lot 16, Barrio Bagong Pagasa, Quezon City, which is being used as as school house since July 12, 1955, the amount set aside to cover the period from July 1955 to March 1956.

Ordinance No. SP-2697, S-1955 An Ordinance authorizing the reversion of ₱1,500.00 from certified obligations under the Office of the City Auditor which were not used nor spent, the amount reverted to be made available for travel and transportation under the same office.

Ordinance No. SP-2700, S-1955 an ordinance appropriating ₱30.00 to cover the salary difference of the laborer under item 18 of the current budget and plantilla of personnel under the office of the Mayor, for the period from April 1 to June 30, 1955.

Ordinance No. SP-2699, S-1955 An Ordinance appropriating ₱270.00 for payment or rentals for the house of Magdaleno Rosales, located at Barrio Culiat, This City, which is being used as a school house by the City.

Ordinance No. SP-2698, S-1955 An Ordinance amending Ordinance No.2671, converting one positions of jail guard at ₱1800 per annum under Item No.229 of the current budget and plantilla into laborer-helper at ₱1440 per annum for the Office of the City Council, such that the item be changed to No.230.

Ordinance no.SP-2696, S-1955 an ordinance authorizing the reversion of ₱100.00 from salary savings under the office of the city superintendent of schools, to be reappropriated for the rental of school site in Barrio Kaingin, this city, from July 1, 1955, to April 30, 1956.

Ordinance No. SP-2695, S-1955 An Ordinance appropriating ₱365.00 for the installation of a public faucet at the Karol Shock Property Hillcrest Street, Cubao, This City.

Ordinance No. SP-2693, S-1955 An Ordinance appropriating ₱500.00 for the repair and repainting of old typhoon signals and construction of four new ones in different places in Quezon City.

Ordinance No. SP-2692, S-1955 an ordinance amending the current budget and plantilla of personnel under the division of public services, Office of the Mayor, so as to change the designation of one garbageman at ₱4.00 per day under item 330, to driver with compensation at the rate of ₱1440 per annum effective November 1, 1955.

Ordinance No. SP-2691, S-1955 An ordinance appropriating ₱270.00 for installation of a public faucet at Pansol, Balara, This city.

Ordinance No. SP-2690, S-1955 An Ordinance appropriating ₱460.00 for the installation and cost of monthly electric consumption of the air raid siren to be installed in the Quezon City Hall Building.

Ordinance No. SP-2689, S-1955 An ordinance appropriating ₱2,000.00 for the construction of a public toilet and bathroom at San Francisco De Monte Market Compound, this city, subject to availability of funds.

Ordinance No. SP-2688, S-1955 an ordinance amending Ordinance No.2679, current series, so as to change the amount of ₱920.00 therein appropriated, against the current appropriation for vacation and sick leave under the Office of the City Auditor, This city.

Ordinance no. 2687, s-1955 an ordinance amending ordinance no. 2580 current series so as to revert the ₱700.00 appropriated for the construction of an artesian well at Culiat Elementary School to the construction of an artesian well in Banlat this city to be constructed in the lot donated by Mr. Cayetano Ramos.

Ordinance No. SP-2671, S-1955 An Ordinance amending the current budget and plantilla of personnel under the Office of the City Warden, This City, so as to convert one position of jail guard at ₱1800.00 per annum under item no.229 into laborer-helper at the rate of ₱1440.00 per annum for the Office of the City Council.

Ordinance No. SP-2670, S-1955 An Ordinance appropriating ₱1,000.00 for the general repair of the Baesa Elementary School, This City.

Ordinance No. 2669, S-1955 An Ordinance Prohibiting Any Person to Destroy or Damage Electric Light Bulbs in any Street in Quezon City Whether Belonging to the Meralco to the City Government or to a Private Person Through the Use of Selling Shots(Tirador) Air Riples or any other Instrument and providing for Violation thereof.

Ordinance No. SP-2668, S-1955 An Ordinance regulating the playing and/or operating of any musical instrument during certain hours of the day and, providing penalty for violation thereof.

Ordinance no.SP 2667, S-1955 an ordinance appropriating ₱1,000.00 for the repair of the Bonifacio Memorial Elementary School,this city.

Ordinance No. SP-2666, S-1955 An Ordinance appropriating ₱1,350.00 for the installation of public faucets at certain places in San Francisco Del Monte, Quezon City.

Ordinance No. SP-2665, S-1955 An Ordinance appropriating ₱1,500.00 for the completion of the Kamuning Home Economics Building, This City.

Ordinance No. SP-2664, S-1955 An Ordinance appropriating ₱1,200.00 for the installation of two (2) public faucets, one at Corner De Jesus Street and Roosevelt Avenue, San Francisco Del Monte and another at Sociego, This City.

Ordinance No. SP-2663, S-1955 An Ordinance creating one position of detective under the Quezon City Police Department with compensation at the rate of ₱1,800.00 per annum.

Ordinance No.SP-2662, S-1955 An ordinance creating two positions of bookmender-accessioners under the Office of the City Library, with compensation at the rate of ₱1440.00 each per annum.

Ordinance No. SP-2661, S-1955 An ordinance repealing Ordinance No.2053, series of 19554, which provides for Traffic Regulation at K-5th Street, Kamuning, Quezon City.

Ordinance No. SP 2660, S-1955 An ordinance appropriating ₱1,000.00 for the the purchase of tools for the use in the maintenance, repair and improvement of city streets and bridges.

Ordinance No. SP-2659, S-1955 An Ordinance appropriating ₱320.00 for the improvement of the water service line of the old public faucet at Old Balara, Quezon City.

Ordinance No. SP-2658, S-1955 An Ordinance amending item no.363 of the current budget and plantilla under the Office of the City Engineer so as to change the position provided as one assistant building inspector to Assistant Building Inspector.

Ordinance No. SP-2657, S-1955 An Ordinance creating one (1) position of janitor at ₱1440.00 per annum under the Office of the City Superintendent of schools, This City.

Ordinance No. SP-2656, S-1955 An Ordinance authorizing the reversion of ₱63.86 from account D-12-t(5), installation of water service at Kamuning Elementary School, to account D-74, scientific equipment, the amount reverted to be made available to cover the cost of one water meter.

Ordinance No. SP-2655, S-1955 An Ordinance amending the current budget and plantilla of personnel under the Quezon City Public Library so as to change the designation of certain employees of the said office.

Ordinance No. SP-2654, S-1955 An Ordinance creating one position of laborer with compensation at the rate of ₱1440 per annum, under the Social Welfare Administration, San Jose Branch, This City, and appropriating funds for the purpose.

Ordinance No. SP-2653, S-1955 An ordinance amending further Section 1 of Ordinance No. 84, series of 1947, as amended by Ordinance No. 247, series of 1948.

Ordinance No. SP-2652, S-1955 An Ordinance appropriating ₱4,000.00 for the purchase of foamite liquid solution(aero foam) inclusive of the applicator for the said solution.

Ordinance No. SP-2651, S-1955 An Ordinance appropriating ₱250.00 for the purchase of certain equipment for the use of the Division of Public Services, Office of the Mayor, This City, the amount to be taken from salary savings of the same office.

Ordinance No. 2650, S-1955 An Ordinance Amending the Current Budget and Plantilla of Personnel under the Office of the City Engineer so as to Provide Five (5) Items.

Ordinance No.SP-2649, S-1955 An Ordinance fixing the speed limit of motor vehicles in all city streets in Quezon City at twenty kilometers per hour and providing penalties for violation thereof.

Ordinance No. SP-2648, S-1955 An Ordinance prohibiting "scalping" or the selling of athletic tickets and/or tickets for shows and other allied activities, by persons engage thereof, at prices above its official prices and providing penalty for violation thereof.

Ordinance No. SP-2647, S-1955 An Ordinance requiring owners or operators of second hand establishments, jewelry stores, radio shops, book stores, hardware stores, vulcanizing and auto repair shops in Quezon City, to submit weekly report to the Chief of Police, This City, of all purchased, pawned, or repaired articles or items with the corresponding names, addresses and residence certification of the persons transacting with such stores or shops.

Ordinance No. SP-2646, S-1955 An Ordinance authorizing the reversion of ₱172.00 from the appropriation for ordinance to other equipment under the Quezon City Police Department.

Ordinance No.SP-2644, S-1955 An ordinance creating the positions of one stenographer at ₱1,800.00 per annum, one laborer-messenger and one laborer-checker at ₱1,440.00 each per annum under the office of the City Auditor.

Ordinance No. SP-2643, S-1955 An Ordinance appropriating ₱400.00 to cover the deficiency in the appropriation for expropriation of Lots 10, 11, 12, and 13, Block 169, Galas, This City.

Ordinance no. SP-2642, S-1955 an ordinance appropriating ₱10,000.00 as additional amount for the discretionary fund of the city mayor.

Ordinance No. SP-2641, S-1955 An ordinance transfering the supervision and control of the Quezon City motor pool from the Quezon City Police Department to the Division of Public Services Office of the Mayor, This city.

Ordinance No. SP-2640, S-1955 An Ordinance appropriating ₱666.20 to pay the claim of Dr. Benito S. Cruz for reimbursement of expenses he incurred in building permit fees, plumbing permit, etc., incidental to the acquisition by the city of his lot at Cordillera Street, This City.

Ordinance No. SP-2639, S-1955 An ordinance appropriating an additional sum of ₱500.00 for the fencing, including engineering surcharge and supervision of the Galas Health Center Building, this city.

Ordinance No. SP-2638, S-1955 An Ordinance appropriating ₱6,000.00 for the repair of Mendez, Bahay-Toro road, This City.

Ordinance No. SP-2637, S-1955 An Ordinance appropriating ₱1,500.00 for the repair of the road in Libis, Tandang Sora, This City.

Ordinance No. SP-2636, S-1955 An Ordinance amending the current budget and plantilla of personnel under the Quezon City Fire Department, so as to change the designation of one fireman under item 250 to senior fireman at the same rate of compensation.

Ordinance No. 2635, S-1955 An Ordinance Appropriating Seven Hundred One and Eight Centavos to Cover the Engineering Surcharge and Supervision in the Construction of the Health Center Building at Project 2 Quirino District this City.

Ordinance No. SP-2634, S-1955 an ordinance authorizing the reversion of ₱3,000.00 from salary savings realized due to late appointment of personnel for newly created positions in the current annual budget, the amount reverted to be made available for the construction of an office for the Division of Public Services, Office of the Mayor, This city.

Ordinance No. SP-2633, S-1955 An ordinance appropriating ₱3,950.00 for the repair of portions of K-3rd Street and K-F street, Kamuning, Quezon City

Ordinance No. SP-2632, S-1955 An ordinance amending the current budget and plantilla of personnel under the Office of the City Assessor so as to change the designation of one chainman under item 150 and one receiving clerk under item 154, to Deputy Assessors without increase in salary.

Ordinance No. SP-2631, S-1955 An ordinance appropriating ₱300.00 for the construction of a public faucet at 20th avenue, Murphy, Quezon City.

Ordinance No. SP-2630, S-1955 An ordinance appropriating ₱160.00 for the purchase of equipment, postage stamps and the stationeries for the office of the City Sheriff, This city.

Ordinance no. SP-2629, S-1955 an ordinance creating two positions of temporary emergency center physicians effective May 1, 1955 to June 30, 1955 inclusive, under the City Health Department.

Ordinance No. SP-2628, S-1955 An ordinance appropriating ₱300.00 for gasoline expense for the ambulance under the Quezon City Health Department.

Ordinance No. SP-2627, S-1955 An ordinance appropriating ₱2,375.44 for the purchase of equipment for the mobile unit of the Quezon Police Department.

Monday, September 8, 2014

Ordinance No. SP-2626, S-1955 An ordinance declaring the passageway in the Dapitan Market premises closed to vehicular traffic, and for other purposes.

Ordinance No. SP-2625, S-1955 An ordinance appropriating ₱450.00 for the installation of public faucets at certain places in San Francisco Del Monte, Quezon City.

Ordinance No. SP-2623, S-1955 An ordinance appropriating ₱2,000.00 for the repair of Quirino District Elementary School, Project 2, Quezon City.

Ordinance no. SP- 2622, S-1955 an ordinance approving closing budget nos. 113 general fund; 114, school fund; 115, street and bridge fund; 116, national- city highway fund; 117, health center fund; and 118, cemetery fund, for the fiscal year 1954-1955 as submitted by the city treasurer.

Ordinance No. SP-2624, S-1955 An ordinance appropriating ₱650.00 for the installation of a public faucet at the corner of Osmeña and Santiago Streets, San Francisco Del Monte, This City, subject to availability of funds.

Ordinance No. 2621, S-1955 An Ordinance Amending the Current Budget and Plantilla of Personnel under the Office Of the City Superintendent Of Schools so as to Transfer One laborer at One Thousand Four Hundred Forty Pesos per Annum from the Maintenance of High Schools to the Office of the City Superintendent of Schools without Change in Salary.

Ordinance No. SP-2614, S-1955 An ordinance providing for specification tests of electrical machineries, equipments, apparatus, devices, systems, and materials without standard test of the underwriters laboratories, Inc. and prescribing fees for the same, before final certification in any establishment, factory or other places.

Ordinance No. SP-2620, S-1955 An ordinance appropriating ₱25,000.00 for the asphalting of Tolentino Street, San Francisco Del Monte, This City.

Ordinance No. SP-2619, S-1955 An ordinance appropriating ₱26,000.00 to cover the deficiency in the estimated cost of ₱40,000.00 to construct a permanent R.C Bridge over the Lagarian Creek connecting Leyte Street and K-C Street, Kamuning, Quezon City.

Ordinance No. SP-2618, S-1955 An ordinance appropriating ₱1,000.00 for the repair of jeep no. PI-3237 assigned for the use of the Office of the City Council.

Ordinance No. SP-2617, S-1955 An ordinance appropriating ₱44,000.00 for the purchase of two fire engines mounted on international truck chassis model R-164 complete with accessories.

Ordinance No. SP-2615, S-1955 An ordinance amending the current budget and plantilla of personnel under the Office of the City Assessor so as to change one position of chairman and one position of tax roll clerk to deputy assessors without change in salary.

Ordinance No. SP-2613, S-1955 An ordinance amending subsection B, item 6 and 10 of section 2 of Ordinance numbered 588, series of 1949.

Ordinance No. SP-2612, S-1955 An ordinance appropriating ₱1,250.00 for the acquisition of Lots 7, Block 26, and 1, Block K-24-A, for purposes of right-of-way from south 6th street to Kamuning Road, Quezon City.

Ordinance No. 2611, S-1955 An ordinance appropriating ₱5,000.00 for the repair of equipment under the Quezon City Police Department from which amount the sums needed for the repair of car no. PI-3259 and Jeep No. PI-3266 may be taken.

Ordinance No. SP-2610, S-1955 An ordinance appropriating ₱2,310.00 for the fencing of the Quezon city High School annex at Roces Avenue, This City.

Ordinance No. SP-2608, S-1955 An ordinance appropriating ₱15,000.00 for the purchase of one (1) road roller, the amount to be charged against the street and bridge fund.

Ordinance No. SP-2606, S-1955 An ordinance appropriating ₱500.00 for the installation of a water closet for teachers at the Quezon City High School(Roces Annex) the amount to be taken from the school fund or from other available fund in the City Treasury.

Ordinance No. SP-2605, S-1955 An ordinance appropriating ₱1,906.00 for the improvement of Enocando Street, Galas Quezon City.

Ordinance No. SP-2604, S-1955 an ordinance appropriating ₱6,240.00 for rental of buildings of the People's Homesite and Housing Corporation used for intermediate class during the school year 1954-1955.

Ordinance No. SP-2603, S-1955 An ordinance appropriating ₱5,000.00 for the completion of the Home Economics at Galas, This city.

Ordinance No. SP-2602, S-1955 An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 2557, current series, so as to change the designations of four temporary building inspections to one project inspector, one construction foreman one foreman, and one checker.

Ordinance No. SP-2601, S-1955 An ordinance appropriating ₱1,500.00 for the asphalting of streets around Dapitan Market, This City.

Ordinance No. SP-2600, S-1955 An appropriating ₱7,725.00 for the maintenance and upkeep of Artesian Wells and public faucets in Quezon City and for wages of personnel assigned to the said job.

Ordinance No.SP-2599, S-1955 an ordinance further amending Ordinance No. 2091, series of 1954, as amended by Ordinance No. 2588, series of 1955, so as to increase the speed limit at Aurora Boulevard from Corner Balete Drive to 15th Avenue, Cubao, Quezon City to Thirty kilometers per hour.

Ordinance No. SP-2598, S-1955 An ordinance prohibiting owners and/ or operators of restaurants, bars, stores, saloons, pavillions and other similar places in Quezon City to allow, within their establishments, minors below 21 years of age, to drink or to take fermented malt, vinous or spiritual or other intoxicating liquors including beer, and providing penalty for violation thereof.

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Ordinance No. SP-2597, S-1955 An ordinance appropriating ₱180.00 to pay the salary difference of messess.Escolastico M. Luz and Enrique Tolentino, substitutes for the position of Chief of Police and Deputy Chief of Police, respectively during the absence of Col. Vicente O. Novales of the Quezon City Police Department, the amount to be taken from probable salary savings of the same office.

Ordinance No.SP-2596, S-1955 An ordinance appropriating ₱5,000.00 for the complete rehabilitation and/or repair of all supplies equipment being used by the Radio Control Communication System.

Ordinance No. SP-2594, S-1955 An ordinance appropriating ₱15,000.00 for the construction of a two-room high school building at Quirino District, This city.

Ordinance No. SP-2595, S-1955 An ordinance authorizing the reversion of ₱1,000.00 from the appropriation for office supplies and equipment to technical and scientific equipment under Kamuning Health Center, This City.

Ordinance No. SP-2593, S-1955 An ordinance appropriating ₱4,500.00 for the improvement of the Galas Market Compound, This City.

Ordinance No. SP-2592, S-1955 An ordinance appropriating ₱150.00 for segregation survey to be undertaken by the Office of the City Engineer, This City, of Lot 35, Block 4-B, PSD-59, for the widening of Bayani Street, Quezon City.

Ordinance No. SP-2591, S-1955 An ordinance appropriating ₱2,000.00 for the repair of CAR No. PI-3277, assigned for the use of the office of the City Superintended of schools.

Ordinance No. SP-2589, S-1955 An ordinance prohibiting vehicles for hire from entering Banuyo Street, Project 3, Quirino District, Quezon City, from 6:00 O'clock in the morning to 6:00 in the afternoon, during school days, and providing penalties for violation thereof.

Ordinance No. SP-2588, S-1955 An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 1738, series of 1953, and Ordinance No. 2091, series of 1954, so as to fix the speed limit of motor vehicles in streets and/or highways therein designated, at twenty-five kilometers per hour, except for Kamuning Road which shall be twenty kilometers per hour.

Ordinance no.SP-2586, S-1955 An Ordinance appropriating ₱352.25 to pay the salary of Mr. Jesus T. Maddela, driver of the car assigned to the office of the city auditor from March 9 to May 25, 1955.

Ordinance No. SP-2583, S-1955 An ordinance appropriating ₱500.00 to defray the expenses in the removal of the contents of the septic vault in Kamuning Public Market, This City.

Ordinance No. SP-2584, S-1955 An ordinance authorizing the reversion of ₱450.00 representing the balance of the automobile allowance of the late Dr. Nicanor Legaspi and Dr. Imelda Sanchez up to the end of the fiscal year 1954-1955, the same to be made available for meal allowances of nurses and midwives under the City Health Department who rendered overtime duties in the Domiciliary Obstetrical Services.

Ordinance No. SP-2581, S-1955 An ordinance appropriating ₱1,000.00 for the asphalting or improvement of the embankment of the Dapitan Market, This City.

Ordinance No. SP-2582, S-1955 An ordinance authorizing the reversion of ₱3,000.00 set aside for fire station in Galas, This City, to be made available for certain expenditures under the Quezon City Fire Department.

Ordinance No. SP-2577, S-1955 An ordinance creating the positions of one (1) National Language Supervisor at ₱2940 per annum and one (1) janitor-watchman at ₱1440 per annum under the Office of the City Superintendent of Schools, This City.

Ordinance No. SP-2580, S-1955 An ordinance appropriating ₱700.00 for the construction of an Artesian Well in Culiat Elementary School, This City.

Ordinance No. SP-2579, S-1955 An ordinance prohibiting the overtaking of motor vehicles in highways and streets designated as school zone in Quezon City and providing penalties for violations thereof.

Ordinance No. SP- 2578, S-1955 An ordinance appropriating ₱240.00 for the installation of a public faucet at Pinahan Elementary School, Barrio Pinahan, This city.

Ordinance No. SP-2576, S-1955 An ordinance appropriating ₱900.00 from any over collection to be realized by the city to be made available for the removal of the contents of the septic tanks of the public toilets at Galas and Dapitan Markets, This City.

Ordinance No. SP-2575, S-1955 An ordinance appropriating ₱160.00 from any over collection to be realized by the city, to defray the cost of one pinion shaft for fire engine no.3 of the Quezon Fire Department.

Ordinance No. SP-2574, S-1955 An ordinance amending the current budget and plantilla of personnel under the Quezon city Police Department so as to promote all corporals to the rank of sergeants with the corresponding increase in salary.

Ordinance No. SP-2573, S-1955 An ordinance creating two positions of major with compensation at the rate of ₱2880 each per annum, under the Quezon City Police Department and appropriating funds therefor.

Ordinance No. 2571, S-1955 An ordinance authorizing the reversion of ₱200.00 from appropriations for rental to other equipment under the Quezon City Public Library.

Ordinance No. SP-2569, S-1955 An ordinance appropriating ₱1,500.00 for the repair of the two (2) courts of first instance, This City.

Ordinance No. SP-2570, S-1955 An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 1525, series of 1952, so as to insert a sub-section after Section 9 of the said ordinance to be denominated as sub-section 9-a.

Ordinance no. SP- 2565, S-1955 an ordinance appropriating funds for the necessary expenses of the government of Quezon city during the period from July 1, 1955 to June 30 1956, and for other purposes.

Ordinance No. SP-2567, S-1955 An ordinance appropriating ₱500.00 for gratuity of Mr. Anastacio G. Sanchez, former patrolman of this city, who is disabled due to injuries sustained in line of duty.

Ordinance No. SP-2566, S-1955 An ordinance appropriating ₱25,000.00 from whatever surplus the city will realize at the end of the fiscal year, for the alteration or reconstruction of the Azotea of the Quezon City Hall Main building facing Highway 54.

Ordinance No. SP-2563, S-1955 An ordinance appropriating ₱1,000.00 from any over collection to be realized during the current fiscal year, to be made available for the construction of a wooden trestle-work at Commonwealth Avenue, This City.

Ordinance No. SP-2558, S-1955 An ordinance appropriating ₱1,600.00 as counterpart fund for the construction of the Home Economics Building of the Aurora A. Quezon Elementary School.

Ordinance No. SP-2564, S-1955 An ordinance appropriating ₱10,000.00 from whatever surplus the city will realized at the end of the fiscal year, to be made available for illumination along boulevards which may be designated by the City Mayor and City Engineer.

Ordinance No. SP-2562, S-1955 an ordinance appropriating ₱5,000.00 to cover the existing deficit and expected expenses for the monthly care, maintenance, education and reformation of delinquent children of this city confined at the Welfareville Institutions, Social Welfare Administration up to June 30, 1955, the amount to be taken from whatever over collections to be realized.

Ordinance No.SP-2559, S-1955 an ordinance appropriating ₱552.00 for the reimbursement of expenses of Messrs.Simeon Dela Cruz, Lauro P. Benito, Jose Dela Paz, and Pablo Santiago, all members of the Quezon City Police Department, in connection with their training at the PC training school from January 10 to March 31, 1955, inclusive.

Ordinance No. SP-2556, S-1955 An ordinance fixing the speed limit of all vehicles enroute from Balintawak Rotonda to Banal Street. This city, at fifteen kilometers per hour, prohibiting the overtaking of vehicles thereat, and providing penalties for violation thereof.

Ordinance No. SP-2557, S-1955 An ordinance appropriating ₱310.00 to cover the salaries of four temporary building inspectors under the engineering department, This City, from June 16 to 30, 1954.

Ordinance No. SP-2555, S-1955 An ordinance appropriating ₱200.00 for the repair of PI Jeep 3247 being used by the Sanitation Division of the Quezon City Health Department.

Ordinance No. SP-2550, S-1955 An ordinance appropriating ₱1,000.00 for transportation, supplies and materials, and other services under the Office of the City Auditor.

Ordinance No. SP-2554, S-1955 An ordinance appropriating ₱9,570.00 for the asphalting of Cuatro De Julio Street, Galas, This City, subject to availability of funds.

Ordinance No. SP-2553, S-1955 An ordinance amending Ordinance No.2537, current series, appropriating ₱2,200.00 for the alteration of four compartments of the Santol-Galas Market, This City.

Ordinance No. SP-2552, S-1955 An ordinance providing terms for the payment of ₱2.00 and ₱1.50, for numbering and renumbering of houses or buildings in Quezon City, respectively.

Ordinance No. SP-2551, S-1955 An ordinance authorizing the reversion of ₱350.00 from the appropriations for repair of equipment (C-17(2)j) to office equipment (C-77(3)1) under the Division of Public Services, Office of the Mayor.

Ordinance no. SP-2549, S-1955 an ordinance appropriating ₱371.42 to cover the salary difference of the Major Enrique Tolentino of the Quezon Police Department on account of the approval of his appointment as acting deputy chief of police effective February 11, 1955.

Ordinance No. SP-2548, S-1955 An ordinance approving supplemental budget no.108, school fund, for the current fiscal year, appropriating an additional sum of ₱2,000.00 for the construction of partitions at the mezzanine of the Roces Avenue High School annex.

Ordinance No. SP-2547, S-1955 An ordinance appropriating ₱4,000.00 to cover the difference between the estimated cost and the loan of ₱100,000.00 secured from the rehabilitation finance corporation for the construction of market stalls and for fencing the market compound in Kamuning, Quezon City.

Ordinance No. SP-2546, S-1955 An ordinance appropriating ₱425.00 for gasoline and office suppliers for the use of the electrical section of the Quezon City Fire Department.

Ordinance No. 2545, S-1955 An Ordinance Approving Supplemental Budget No. 104 School Fund for this Current Piscal year Appropriating Two Thousand Pesos for the Construction of the Partitions at this High School Building at Roces Avenue Quezon City.

Ordinance No. SP-2544, S-1955 an ordinance appropriating ₱645.00 for the improvement of the existing water service line at North Sociego street, This city.

Ordinance No. SP-2543, S-1955 An ordinance appropriating ₱1,950.00 for the repair of the water tank truck no.1 of the Quezon City Fire Department.

Ordinance No. SP-2542, S-1955 an ordinance authorizing the reversion of ₱1,900.00 from the amount set aside under supplemental budget no. 61 to J-27(l-c), collection of sand and gravel fees, to be made available for wages of checkers and checker-laborers presently working in the Marikina Sand and Gravel Pit, up to June 30, 1955.

Ordinance No. SP-2541, S-1955 An ordinance amending Ordinance No.2430, current series, appropriating ₱1,600.00 for two (2) Artesian Wells at Duyan-Duyan and Bagumbayan, This City, such that the amount set aside therein for the drilling of the Artesian Well at Duyan-Duyan shall be utilized for the drilling of the Artesian Well at Sitio Pasacola, Novaliches, Quezon City.

Ordinance No.SP-2540, S-1955 an ordinance appropriating ₱150.00 for postage stamps to be used by the Municipal Court, This city.

Ordinance No. SP-2539, S-1955 an ordinance authorizing the reversion of ₱20.00 from "Rental of Buildings and Grounds" (C-24-k) to "Other Services"(C-24-t) under the Office of the City Librarian, This city, to cover the bill for "Mabuhay" from July 27, 1954 to June 30, 1955, furnished the Balara District Branch Library

Ordinance No. SP-2538, S-1955 An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 2536, current series, appropriating ₱75,000.00 for the purchase of ten jeeps and one dump truck for the use of the Quezon City Police Department and the Division of Public Services, respectively.

Ordinance No. SP-2537, S-1955 An ordinance appropriating ₱2,200.00 for the alteration of four compartments of the Santol-Galas Market, for the use of the proposed High School annex of Santol-Galas, Quezon City.

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Ordinance No.SP- 2536, S-1955 An Ordinance appropriating ₱75,000.00 for the purchase of ten (10) jeeps for the mobile unit of the Quezon City Police Department and one dump truck for the Division of Public Services Office of the Mayor Quezon City.

Ordinance No. SP-2535, S-1955 An ordinance appropriating ₱800.00 for the installation of an Artesian Well at Bagbag, Novaliches, This City, as authorized under Resolution No. 2078,current series.

Ordinance No. SP-2534, S-1955 An ordinance appropriating ₱10,000.00 to be used as revolving fund for the construction of family toilets.

Ordinance No. SP-2533, S-1955 An ordinance appropriating ₱1,000.00 for communication under the Fire Department, This City.

Ordinance No. SP-2532, S-1955 An ordinance appropriating ₱50.00 for travel and transportation expenses of the Quezon City Fire Department, to be taken from savings in appropriations under the same department.

Ordinance No. SP-2531, S-1955 An ordinance appropriating ₱600.00 for the repair of the flooring of Police Precinct No. 2, Cubao, Quezon City.

Ordinance No. SP-2530, S-1955 An ordinance appropriating ₱600.00 needed for complete set of files of records and built-in-cabinets for the newly converted office of the license division, City Treasurer's Office, This City, the amount to be taken from any over collection to be realized.

Ordinance No. SP-2529, S-1955 An ordinance appropriating ₱175.00 for the installation of water services in the park at corner Mayon and Retiro Streets, La Loma, Quezon City.

Ordinance No. SP-2528, S-1955 An ordinance inhibiting owners or operators of establishment or concern in Quezon City where billiard or billiard pools or the like, are played, from admiting or causing of minors intro their establishments for the purpose of witnessing or playing the games played thereat, and providing penalty for violation thereof.

Ordinance no. SP- 2527, S-1955 an ordinance setting aside ₱1,562.00 from any available funds existing in the city treasury to pay the difference in salary of LT. Col. Escolastico M. Luz as acting chief of police from January 14 to June 30 1955.

Ordinance No. SP.2526, S-1955 an ordinance appropriating an additional sum of ₱1,500.00 for medical supplies for Health Centers, the amount to be taken from over collections in the Health Center Fund.

Ordinance No. SP-2525, S-1955 An ordinance amending Section 1 of Ordinance No. 2327, current series, fixing the poundage fee and payment for the maintenance and care of astray animals impounded in the city pound, this city.

Ordinance No. SP-2523, S-1955 An ordinance appropriating ₱5,000.00 for the completion of the asphalting of Arayat Street to highway 54, Quezon City, subject to availability of funds.

Ordinance No. SP-2522, S-1955 An ordinance authorizing the reversion of ₱1,680.00 from the current appropriation for High School rental of buildings and grounds under the Office of the City Superintendent of Schools, This City, to various items under the same office.

Ordinance No. SP-2521, S-1955 An ordinance appropriating ₱400.00 for upholstering and top cover of PI Jeep Nos. 3240 and 3241 used by the Police Precinct No.3,This City.

Ordinance No. SP-2520, S-1955 An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 1994 and Ordinance No. 2265, both series of 1954.

Ordinance No. SP- 2519, S-1955 an ordinance appropriating ₱580.00 for "Communications" under the Office of the City Council needed to pay telephone rentals from March to June, 1955.

Ordinance No. SP-2518, S-1955 An ordinance appropriating ₱850.00 needed for the purchase of various materials under the Quezon City Police Department.

Ordinance No. SP-2517, S-2016 an ordinance imposing a one peso (₱1.00) increase of the admission fees in all cinemas in Quezon City covering the month of August 2016, the proceeds thereof to be donated to the girl scouts of the Philippines, Quezon City Council, to support its numerous programs and activities.