Friday, January 31, 2025

Ordinance No. NC-33, S-1988 An Ordinance appropriating the amount of two hundred thousand pesos (₱200,000.00) or such thereof as may be necessary for the improvement of the drainage system of Fulgencio St., Barangay Bungad, Quezon City.

Ordinance No. NC-35, S-1988 An Ordinance approving the thirty two (32)new positions and one (1) reclassified position in the staffing pattern of the city civil registry office; and appropriating out of the general fund the sum of ₱314,971.00 for salaries and/or salary differentials accruing to such positions covering the period from November 19, 1987, to June 30, 1988.

Ordinance No. NC-36, S-1988 An Ordinance creating five (5) contractual positions under the office of each City Councilor and appropriating the sum of four million eight hundred thousand pesos (₱4,800,000.00) to cover the salaries and other personnel expenses of such positions covering the period from May 1 to December 31, 1988, the amount of three million five hundred eleven thousand one hundred fifty-six pesos (₱3,511,156.00) thereof to be taken thru reversion from certain appropriations for personnel services under the office of the city secretary and from other services under the city council, the balance to be taken from any available funds in the city treasury.

Ordinance No. NC-38, S-1988 An Ordinance authorizing the payment of the retirement gratuity of the late Ricardo A. Pascua, former senior meat inspector of the Quezon City Health Department and appropriating the sum of twenty six thousand five hundred thirty four and fifty six centavos (₱26,534.56) for the purpose.

Ordinance No. NC-44, S-1988 an Ordinance transferring from the general fund to the infrastructures fund the sum of forty-three million two hundred three thousand four hundred thirty pesos (₱43,203,430.00)

Ordinance No. NC-48, S-88 An Ordinance ordaining preferential right to registered voters of Quezon City to be employed and/or hired in infrastructure constructions and business establishments in Quezon City.

Ordinance No. NC-50, S-88 An Ordinance creating the position of city finance coordinator, providing for his compensation, powers and duties and appropriating the necessary funds for the purpose.

Ordinance No. NC-53, S-88 An Ordinance amending Ordinance No. NC-5 S-88 appropriating nine million one hundred sixty two thousand pesos (₱9,162,000.00) for the purchase of thirty (30) units of fully equipped mobile patrol car for the exclusive use of the Quezon City Police Department, so as to provide that the sum shall be deemed as financial assistance to the Quezon City Police Department.

Thursday, January 30, 2025

Ordinance No. NC-56, S-88 An Ordinance providing for the reversion of certain appropriations from radio communication system and from representation allowance, both under the city council and appropriating the reverted amounts to cover the deficiency for the per diem of the city councilors from October to December, 1988.

Ordinance No. NC-58, S-88 An Ordinance creating certain positions to serve as the staff of the committee on laws, rules and internal government of the city council; and providing the sum of seventy six thousand five hundred (₱76,500.00) pesos for the purpose.

Ordinance No. NC-61, S-88 An Ordinance creating certain contractual positions under the Health Department for the operation on a 24-hour basis of the Health Centersin Tatalon, Galas, Imelda (Kalayaan) and Cubao of the 4th District, San Francisco Del Monte and Bago-Bantay of the 1st District, Commonwhealth and Banlat of the 2nd District, Ermin Garcia and Project 4 of the 3rd District all located in Quezon City, Pursuant to Ordinance No. NC-6, S-88.

Ordinance No. NC-63, S-88 An Ordinance authorizing the committee on ways and means of the Quezon City Council to undertake a study, for purposes of review, revision , amendment, updating and codification of existing tax laws, revenue codes, ordinances, rules and regulations pertaining to collection of revenues for the city, and providing funds for the purpose.

Ordinance No. NC-65, S-88 An Ordinance approving supplemental budget no.4 under the general fund involving twenty-six million seven hundred forty four thousand five hundred thirty three pesos (₱26,744,533.00) and supplemental budget no. 3 under the infrastructure fund involving fourteen million four hundred seventy-one thousand four hundred ninety-six pesos (₱14,471,496.00) to cover the payment of the prior years obligations and current year expenses of the various offices and activities of the city government; and providing the necessary funds therefor.

Ordinance No. NC-68, S-88 An Ordinance establishing a police sub-station at Project 4, Quezon City and appropriating the amount of one million five hundred forty six thousand and four hundred pesos (₱1,546,400.00) as financial assistance for the purpose.

Ordinance No.NC-71, S-88 An Ordinance ordaining the declaration and reservation of Payatas Estate in Quezon City as socialized hoising and mini commercial/ industrial sites for the benefit of the landless residents of Quezon City and providing penalty for violation thereof.

Ordinance No. SP-3213, S-1956 An Ordinance requiring the traffic at the intersection of Highway 54 and North Avenue, and providing penalties for violation thereof.

Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Ordinance No. SP-3211, S-1956 An Ordinance repealing Ordinance No. 3172, current series, so as to revive Ordinance No. 3127, also current series, declaring as commercial zone certain vicinities between the Manila-Quezon City boundary and the España Extension and Quezon Boulevard Bridges, Quezon City.

Ordinance No. SP-3205, S-1956 An Ordinance appropriating ₱1,800.00 to put up a fire hydrant at the corner of Retiro and Banawe Streets, Sta. Mesa Heights, This City subject to availability of funds.

Ordinance No. SP-3203, S-1956 An Ordinance appropriating ₱1,000.00 for expenses to be incurred in connection the participation of Quezon City in the civic parade for Rizal Day in the afternoon of December 30, 1956.

Ordinance No. SP-3197, S-1956 An Ordinance authorizing the reversion of ₱100.00 from "travel and transportation" (C-3-f) to "office equipment" (C-79(9) under the Office of the City Auditor to cover the cost of one (1) electric fan for the use of the same office.

Ordinance No. SP-3191, S-1956 An Ordinance appropriating ₱500.00 for the installation of electric light facilities in San Jose Elementary School Basketball Court, San Jose, Quezon City.

Ordinance No. SP-3183, S-1956 An Ordinance fixing the rates of fees for verification and inspection conducted by the city engineer in connection with the processing of proposed subdivision in Quezon City.

Ordinance No. SP-3177, S-1956 An Ordinance requiring hardware stores, dry goods stores, bazars, grocery stores, and all other establishments with capital of not less than ₱5,000.00 to maintain at least one fire extinguisher, and providing penalties for violation thereof.

Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Ordinance No. SP-3174, S-1956 An Ordinance authorizing the reversion of ₱1,500.00 from the appropriation for travel and transportation under the Quezon City Police Department , the sum to be made available for the repair of PI Car No. 2076 assigned to be Traffic Bureau of the same department.

Ordinance No. SP-3173, S-1956 An Ordinance appropriating ₱5,000.00 for various adjustments and alterations in the wiring system of the main city hall building , and for other purposes.

Ordinance No. SP-3172, S-1956 An Ordinance revoking Ordinance No. 3127, current series.

Ordinance No. SP-3169, S-1956 An Ordinance authorizing the reversion of ₱112.00 the current appropriation for the purchase of the Cubao School Site, the amount reverted to be made available for registration fees for two lots purchased from Magdalena Estate, Inc. for school purposes.

Ordinance No. SP-3168, S-1956 An Ordinance amending Section 1 of Ordinance No. 3136, current series, such that the limitations imposed in the putting up of commercial and industrial establishments shall cover the school and monument sites only.

Thursday, January 9, 2025

Ordinance No. SP-3141, S-1956 An Ordinance appropriating ₱2,850.00 out of any available funds in the City Treasury for the construction and widening of a portion of Banahaw Street, This City.

Ordinance No. SP-3140, S-1956 An Ordinance appropriating ₱6,000.00 for the repair of Dr. Alejos Street from Florentino to Dapitan Streets, Sta . Mesa Heights, Quezon City, the sum to be taken from the current appropriation for repair of city streets.

Ordinance No. SP-3137, S-1956 An Ordinance providing for owner, general manager, managing director or managing partner of firms, corporations, or partnerships, to require any applicant for employment in their respective establishments to secure the necessary police clearance certificate issued by the Quezon City Police Department

Ordinance No. SP-3136, S-1956 An Ordinance prohibiting the putting up of commercial and industrial establishments within the radius of 200 meters from the center of the Balintawak Rotonda, Quezon City, without prejudice to existing commercial or industrial establishments therein , and providing penalties for violation thereof.

Ordinance No. SP-3135, S-1956 An Ordinance authorizing the reversion of ₱100,000.00 to be taken from vacation and sick leave appropriation in all offices of the Quezon City Government, the same to be made available for the construction of the 3rd floor of the two (2) wings of the city hall main building.

Ordinance No. SP-3132, S-1956 An Ordinance amending Ordinance No. 3093, current series, such that the sum of ₱2,200.00 therein set aside for repair of equipment under the office of the city council shall be taken from the current appropriation for repair of fixed property, office of the mayor.

Ordinance No. SP-3131, S-1956 An Ordinance further amending Ordinance No. 2969, as amended by Ordinance No. 3071, current series, providing for subdivision regulations for Quezon City.

Monday, January 6, 2025

Ordinance No. SP-3129, S-1956 An Ordinance appropriating ₱2,000.00 for the construction of incineration in all public markets, This City.

Ordinance No. SP-3128, S-1956 An Ordinance amending Ordinance No. 3050, current series so as to charge against the balance in the appropriation for the construction of the azotea of the Main City Hall Building, the sum of ₱500.00 to be made available for the double walling of the office of the city mayor and the corridor of the city hall main building.

Ordinance No. SP-3127, S-1956 An Ordinance declaring as commercial zone certain vicinities between the Manila-Quezon City boundary and the España Extension and Quezon Boulevard Bridges, Quezon City.

Ordinance No. SP-3125, S-1956 An Ordinance revising the speed limits on certain streets or places in Quezon City, as fixed under Ordinances Nos. 2, 866, 557, 889, 1246, and 2255 of this city.

Ordinance No. SP-3123, S-1956 An Ordinance amending Section 6, Chapter 57 of Ordinance No. 2673, series of 1955, making an operator of a business establishment liable when it engages the services of waitresses, hostesses, or taxi dancers, without first requiring the latter to secure the necessary permit or licenses, and providing penalties for violation thereof.

Ordinance No. SP-3122, S-1956 An Ordinance regulating the parking along Guyabano Street, Quezon City, and providing penalties for violation thereof.

Ordinance No. SP-3121, S-1956 An Ordinance appropriating ₱2,500.00 for the acquisition of an attendance time recorder with necessary cards and cards racks for the use of employees of the Quezon City Government.

Ordinance No. SP-3120, S-1956 An Ordinance amending Ordinance No. 3103, current series, providing for the salaries of five fourth assistant city attorneys of Quezon City.

Ordinance No. SP-3119, S-1956 An Ordinance appropriating ₱4,000.00 for the asphalting of the Kamuning Market Parking Space, This City, subject to availability of funds.

Ordinance No. SP-3118, S-1956 An Ordinance repealing Ordinance No.3101, current series, appropriating ₱1,000.00 for the repair of PI Jeep No. 2074 of the Quezon City Police Department.

Ordinance No. SP-3117, S-1956 An Ordinance authorizing the reversion of ₱1,080.00 from the current appropriation for "Land Transportation Equipment" to be made available for the purchase of hand tools under the Division of Public Service, Quezon City Health Department.

Ordinance No. SP-3116, S-1956 An Ordinance creating certain positions under the Municipal Court, Branch III, Quezon City, effective October 16, 1956.

Ordinance No. SP-3115, S-1956 An Ordinance fixing fees for refreshment stand and motor vehicles in connection with the Soap Box Derby at Murphy, Quezon City.

Ordinance No. SP-3114, S-1956 An Ordinance appropriating ₱150.00 from any available fund in the City Treasury for the installation of a public faucet at the corner of Andres Bonifacio and Morong Streets, La Loma, This City.

Ordinance No. SP-3113, S-1956 An Ordinance appropriating ₱5,000.00 for travel and transportation under the office of the city council.

Ordinance No. SP-3112, S-1956 An Ordinance authorizing the reversion of one thousand pesos (₱1,000.00) from the appropriation for maintenance and repair of fixed property (C-1-1) to purchase of office equipment under the office of the city mayor.

Ordinance No. SP-3111, S-1956 An Ordinance amending the current budget and plantilla of personnel under the Quezon City Public Library so as to change the designation of certain positions without change in salary.

Ordinance No. SP-3110, S-1956 An Ordinance appropriating ₱500.00 for the repair of the shed at Baesa Cemetery, Quezon City.

Ordinance No. SP-3109,S-1956 An Ordinance appropriating ₱8,300.00 for the improvement of Kangkong Road, Balintawak, This City.

Ordinance No. SP-3108, S-1956 An Ordinance creating one position of band instructor for the Quezon City High School, with compensation at the rate of ₱1920.00 per annum, subject to availability of funds in the City Treasury.

Friday, January 3, 2025

Ordinance No. SP-3107, S-1956 An Ordinance appropriating ₱98.94 in addition to the sum appropriated under Ordinance No. 2927, current series, for the extension of electric light facilities from area 17 of the University of the Philippines to Cruz-Na-Ligas, This City.

Ordinance No. SP-3106, S-1956 An Ordinance amending Ordinance No. 3095, current series, so as to charge against the current appropriations for repair of equipment under the Quezon City Fire Department, the sum of of ₱282.10 to cover the cost of spare parts requisitioned by the same department.

Ordinance No. SP-3104, S-1956 An Ordinance amending the current budget and plantilla of personnel under the Office of City Attorney so as to increase the salaries of three special counsels to 3600 per annum each.

Ordinance No. SP-3103, S-1956 An Ordinance appropriating for the salaries of five fourth assistant city attorney of Quezon City, to be taken from accumulated vacation leave appropriation of the city.

Ordinance No. SP-3102, S-1956 An Ordinance amending items 80 and 90 of the current budget and plantilla of personnel under the Office of the City Auditor, This City.

Ordinance No. SP-3101, S-1956 An Ordinance appropriating ₱1,000.00 for the repair of jeep PI-2074, assigned to precinct no.4, Quezon City Police Department.

Ordinance No. SP-3100, S-1956 An Ordinance appropriating ₱196.80 representing the money value of the commutation of the vacation and sick leave of absence of Mr. Marcelino Landayan, former garbageman unde the Division of Public Service, Office of the Mayor, for the period from May 14 to June 30, 1956, the amount to be charged against the leave credit in his favor or to current appropriation for vacation and sick leave.

Thursday, January 2, 2025

Ordinance No. SP-3349, S-2024 An Ordinance amending Section 7 of Quezon City Ordinance No. SP-3233, S-2023, and for other purposes.

Ordinance No. SP-3348, S-2024 An Ordinance institutionalizing the Quezon City Literacy Coordinating Council and for other purposes.

Ordinance No. SP-3346, S-2024 An Ordinance establishing the Quezon City water testing laboratory and for other purposes.

Ordinance No. SP-3345, S-2024 An Ordinance declaring "Sunday Car Free, Carefree Tomas Morato" by regulating the use and closing portion of Tomas Morato (from Scout Rallos to Don A. Roces Avenue) to vehicular traffic on Sundays.

Ordinance No. SP-3340, S-2024 An Ordinance approving the annual budget of the Quezon City Government for the calendar year 2025 in the amount of forty billion, six hundred million pesos (PHP40,600,000.00) covering the various expenditures for the operation of the City Government and appropriating the necessary funds for the purpose.

Ordinance No. SP-3333, S-2024 An Ordinance declaring road rage in Quezon City unlawful, providing penalties therefor, and for other purposes.

Ordinance No. SP-3328, S-2024 An Ordinance prohibiting smoking and the use of vapor product devices and e-cigarettes in all city-owned parks within Quezon City and providing penalties therefor.